Whether you need to grab a bite running around the city or feel a burning craving for a kebab at 3 a.m. – we’ve got all covered. Here is the list of cheap and delicious street food spots in Minsk.

1. Khutka-Smachna

This place is the “old school” of Minsk street food. It was set up in the beginning of 90s and didn’t have any competitors for a long time. Some years ago one could see Khutka-Smachna all over the city, but only two stations have survived until now. One of them is opposite the big American rival McDonald’s on Nemiga, the other one – in Yakuba Kolasa street. If you’re prepared to take the risk, try the mini-pizza called ‘Zlatka’ (€1) and hot-dog ‘Hadun’ (€1)

2. Mirazh

Our heart’s crying and logic tells us to stop, but we’re still doing it – telling you the spot with the best shawarma in town. Legendary among lovers of street food, Mirazh is open till 6 a.m. (!!!) and makes juicy shawarmas with the minimum of vegetables and the maximum of meat. Besides kebabs, the cafe (see location) has pancakes with cheese, ham, mushrooms and chicken, hot-dogs, pizzas, sandwiches and pilaf on the menu. The only drawback is that you would most probably have to wait in line with other hungry people. But its totally worth the pleasure!

3. Zhvavy Kuhar

You will spot Zhvavy kuhar easily as it is a booth on wheels! This small truck with kebabs and hamburgers made in the best traditions of European street food is located in Uručča.

4. Monkey Food

This is the first Belarusian vegan street food service. Monkey’s menu includes burgers with chickpea, spinach, pickles and vegetables (€2), rolls with kebab (€2 – 3) and falafel (€ 1.6- 2.3), hummus, tahina, pies with tofu and cabbage and other tasty and healthy things. Following the healthy philosophy, their deliver food on bikes. Monkey Food is a frequent guest of food festivals in Minsk.